FREE PASCAL menggunakan gotoxy(x,y);
By : Unknownuses crt;
var i,j,deret,jumlah:integer;
var user,pass:String;
procedure animasi1;
for i:=1 to 25 do
// Baris 1
for i:=1 to 25 do
// Baris 2
delay(100);textcolor(4); gotoxy(25,9);write('|');
delay(100);textcolor(5); gotoxy(25,10);write('|');
delay(100);textcolor(6); gotoxy(25,11);write('|');
delay(100);textcolor(7); gotoxy(25,12);write('|');
delay(100);textcolor(4); gotoxy(51,9);write('|');
delay(100);textcolor(5); gotoxy(51,10);write('|');
delay(100);textcolor(6); gotoxy(51,11);write('|');
delay(100);textcolor(7); gotoxy(51,12);write('|');
procedure animasi2;
for i:=1 to 25 do
// Baris 1
for i:=1 to 25 do
// Baris 2
textcolor(4);gotoxy(25,9); write('|');
textcolor(5);gotoxy(25,10); write('|');
textcolor(6);gotoxy(25,11); write('|');
textcolor(7);gotoxy(25,12); write('|');
textcolor(4);gotoxy(51,9); write('|');
textcolor(5);gotoxy(51,10); write('|');
textcolor(6);gotoxy(51,11); write('|');
textcolor(7);gotoxy(51,12); write('|');
procedure login;
gotoxy(27,10);write('Username : ');readln(user);
until user='fti';
gotoxy(27,10);write('Username : ',user);
gotoxy(27,11);write('Password : ');readln(pass);
until pass='fti';
procedure prima;
writeln('Program Bilangan Prima!');
write('Masukkan panjang deret bilangan : ');readln(deret);
for i:=2 to deret do
for j:=1 to deret do
if (i mod j)=0 then jumlah:=jumlah+1;
if (jumlah=2) then
write(i,' ');
The Big Funeral Party
By : Unknown
is a region located in South Sulawesi. There are many local and foreign
tourists, such as Canadians, Australians and many more, who come to Toraja
because Toraja has unique culture. One of their cultures is Rambu Solo’. Rambu
Solo’ is a big funeral party which is held to show the family’s respect to the
person who passed away. This funeral is unique because the party sometimes
spends very much money. The party held from three days until one week, and it
depends on the social status of the person who passed away. The higher the
social status of a person then the longer the party held.
think that Rambu Solo’ must hold a big party because that is the last party for
the person who passed away. This party is expensive because the family must sacrifice
many buffaloes and pigs. A buffalo’s price is about seventy to two hundred
million rupiah and a pig’s price is about one to five million. In Toraja,
buffalo and pig are sacred animals so that is why they are so expensive. And
Torajans think the sacrificial animals will be the vehicle for the die person
to go to the ‘puya’. For Torajans, ‘puya’ is a place for the people who have
passed away. This belief makes Toraja look unique than the other place because
Torajan still think primitively, even they live in the modern era.
families in Toraja do not have a lot of money to hold a funeral party. If the dead
person’s family doesn’t have enough money, the dead person will be kept in the
house until the family has enough money. Sometimes the dead person is kept for
years. But the dead person is not smelly because Torajan have their own herb to
preserve the dead person. If the funeral party is not yet held then the person
who died is considered as a sick person. So the family has to give food, drink,
and cigarette if the dead person is smoker. It is unique because there is no
other place that does the ritual like Torajan did.
the ceremony, the family will accept many guests. They come to honor the dead
person. The guests will be treated in a place that the family has provided
which is called ‘lantang karampoan’. ‘Lantang’ means place and ‘karampoan’
means arrivals. And the dead person is placed in a ‘lakkean’. ‘Lakkean’ is the
highest place in the funeral party. It is higher than his house and ‘lantang
karampoan’. It means that the dead person has to be respected by the family and
also the guests. A ‘lakkean’ is a temporary place for deceased person while the
party is held.
guests will come in a big group. It will take a really long time if they come
one by one because the guests who come are not just from the family relatives
but people from the other village, also even if they don’t know the dead
person. A sense of brotherhood between Torajan is still very close. The
foreigners (people from outside Toraja) think that Toraja is very unique
because in their place if they want to go to a funeral, at least they know the
dead person. Each group of guests will be served with Toraja traditional food,
which is called deppa tori’(traditional snack from Toraja and made from rice
flour, ginger and palm sugar), and also tea and coffee by the family in ‘lantang
karampoan’. The family slaughters and then cooks the sacrificial animal for the
group of guests for their consumption.
badong is one of the rituals in Rambu Solo’. Rambu Solo’ is also known as the
dance of sorrow. The men make a circle and hold hand while they are singing.
They sing the requiem. From the song they are showing their grief. If they are
holding hands, Torajan think that they are one in sadness.
family also carries out the ritual fighting the buffaloes. The buffaloes are
pitted one on one in a field or rice field. This ritual makes the party more
crowded because a lot of people come to see competition. And in the end of the
party before the dead person is buried, he will be paraded around the village.
This ritual is called Ma’ Pasonglo’. The purpose of ma’ pasonglo’ is to make
the dead person be happy for the last time in the world. So in ma’ pasonglo’
there is no tear and everybody have to be happy then the dead person will be
happy too.
last ritual is burying. This ritual is called ma’ palao. The dead person is
brought from the ‘lakkean’ to his tomb. All the families and also the dead
person’s relatives are involved to dropping off the dead person. That is to
show their respect to the dead person.
conclusion, Rambu Solo’ is held as the family’s respect to the dead person. It
is also as the family’s reward for what the dead person have done when he was
still alive. This funeral party becomes a hallmark of the Torajan and makes
Toraja is a unique tribe.
Orang toraja harus punya uang banyak - Rambu solo'
By : UnknownSiapa yang tak kenal dengan Tana Toraja, negeri dengan begitu banyak adat istiadat dan tempat tujuan wisata yang sangat indah. Dalam masyarakat Toraja, upacara pemakaman (rambu solo') merupakan ritual adat yang paling
penting dan mengeluarkan uang yang banyak. Semakin tingginya derajat seseorang maka semakin besar juga pengeluaran yang akan ditanggung keluarganya.
Upacara Adat Rambu Solo sering juga disebut upacara penyempurnaan kematian, karena orang yang meninggal baru dianggap benar-benar meninggal setelah seluruh prosesi upacara ini lengkapi. Jika belum, maka orang yang meninggal tersebut hanya dianggap sebagai orang “sakit” atau “lemah”, sehingga ia tetap diperlakukan seperti halnya orang hidup, yaitu dibaringkan di tempat tidur dan diberi hidangan makanan dan minuman, bahkan selalu diajak berbicara.
Kemeriahan upacara Rambu Solo ditentukan oleh status sosial keluarga yang meninggal, diukur dari jumlah hewan yang dikorbankan. Semakin banyak kerbau disembelih, semakin tinggi status sosialnya. Biasanya, untuk keluarga bangsawan, jumlah kerbau yang disembelih berkisar antara 30-300 ekor ditambah babi yang jumlahnya lebih banyak dari pada kerbau , sedangkan warga golongan menengah berkisar kurang lebih 8 ekor kerbau ditambah 50 ekor babi. Harga satu ekor karbau di Toraja mulai dari 10-700 juta tergantung dari warna, bentuk tubuh, besar, dan panjangnya tanduk.
Rangkaian Upacara ini terdapat berbagai atrakasi budaya yang dipertontonkan, di antaranya adu kerbau (ma'pasilaga tedong), kerbau-kerbau yang akan dikorbankan diadu terlebih dahulu sebelum disembelih.
Dalam upara adat sehari sebelum jenasah dikuburkan, kerbau akan disembelih. ciri khas mayarakat Tana Toraja, yaitu menebas leher kerbau hanya
dengan sekali tebasan. Jenis kerbau yang disembelih pun ada beberapa jenis yaitu kerbau bule (tedong saleko) yang berharga 100-700 juta, kerbau hitam (pudu') yang kisaran harga 15-50 juta.
Upacara Adat Rambu Solo sering juga disebut upacara penyempurnaan kematian, karena orang yang meninggal baru dianggap benar-benar meninggal setelah seluruh prosesi upacara ini lengkapi. Jika belum, maka orang yang meninggal tersebut hanya dianggap sebagai orang “sakit” atau “lemah”, sehingga ia tetap diperlakukan seperti halnya orang hidup, yaitu dibaringkan di tempat tidur dan diberi hidangan makanan dan minuman, bahkan selalu diajak berbicara.
Kemeriahan upacara Rambu Solo ditentukan oleh status sosial keluarga yang meninggal, diukur dari jumlah hewan yang dikorbankan. Semakin banyak kerbau disembelih, semakin tinggi status sosialnya. Biasanya, untuk keluarga bangsawan, jumlah kerbau yang disembelih berkisar antara 30-300 ekor ditambah babi yang jumlahnya lebih banyak dari pada kerbau , sedangkan warga golongan menengah berkisar kurang lebih 8 ekor kerbau ditambah 50 ekor babi. Harga satu ekor karbau di Toraja mulai dari 10-700 juta tergantung dari warna, bentuk tubuh, besar, dan panjangnya tanduk.
Rangkaian Upacara ini terdapat berbagai atrakasi budaya yang dipertontonkan, di antaranya adu kerbau (ma'pasilaga tedong), kerbau-kerbau yang akan dikorbankan diadu terlebih dahulu sebelum disembelih.
By : UnknownNama lengkap : Satria Anas Tuppang
Nama panggilan : Anas
Nim : 682013067
progdi : FTI/ SI
Alamat : Cemara2 no 25B Salatiga
TTL : Kudus 16 july 1995
Agama : Kristen
Kesan dan pesan : asdosnya yang cewek kalau dipikir-pikir cantik tapi sayang malas pikirnya. kalau asdos yang cowok agak rempong kalo nerangin sedikit bisa dimengerti tapi banyak nggak mudengnya :D
Kritik dan saran : kelas nya terlalu santai kalau bisa di seriusin dikit jangan terlalu santai !
Nama panggilan : Anas
Nim : 682013067
progdi : FTI/ SI
Alamat : Cemara2 no 25B Salatiga
TTL : Kudus 16 july 1995
Agama : Kristen
Kesan dan pesan : asdosnya yang cewek kalau dipikir-pikir cantik tapi sayang malas pikirnya. kalau asdos yang cowok agak rempong kalo nerangin sedikit bisa dimengerti tapi banyak nggak mudengnya :D
Kritik dan saran : kelas nya terlalu santai kalau bisa di seriusin dikit jangan terlalu santai !